Refresher Workshops
Whether you attended PLTW Core Training virtually and are looking for hands-on experience, are a veteran PLTW teacher and would love an opportunity for a course refresher and to collaborate with colleagues, or there have been major curriculum updates in your course – we’ve got you covered!
Join us for a day of hands-on learning alongside your Massachusetts PLTW colleagues led by PLTW Master Teachers. Veteran PLTW teachers, don’t forget to bring your own tips and tricks to share!
Where: WPI
Dates: August 8th and 9th
Time: 8:30am – 3:30pm

Teacher Moves in a Student Driven Classroom
A workshop for all PLTW educators
August 9th
This workshop will focus on different tips and tricks for teacher moves in a student driven classroom, e.g.: art of questioning, providing meaningful feedback, and framing a lesson.
Presenters: Community Lead Lindsey Ayers, Master Teacher Stephanie Racine, and Master Teacher Corey Duzan

3-D Printing From Start to Finish
A workshop for Middle and High School PLTW educators
August 16th
Join this workshop to work on a project from start to finish and learn the ins and outs of 3-D printing. Work through the fundamentals of transferring a project from CAD to a 3-D printer and talk through best practices in the classroom. The best part is – you will walk home with a product you created on the 3-D printer! Feel free to bring a small PLTW project of your own, but below are few projects listed that you could do during this workshop: CSIM: creating and printing a tool to safely remove the cords from microbits, IED: 3D print parts to help students get measurements for Cams, or IED: Work through the backpack charm students create.
Presenter: Phil Moore

Launch Workshops

August 8th
Vex Modules
Presenter: Master Teacher Christi Davenport
Module focused workshop with round table discussions for Activities 1-3 and hands-on opportunities for the Project and Problem.
Modules covered: Forces and Interactions, Energy Explorations, Robotics and Automation
K-2 Module Extravaganza!
Presenter: Master Teacher Sarah Orr
Modules focused on:
K – Structure and Function
K – Pushes and Pulls
1 – Light and Sound
2 – Properties of Matter
August 9th
Computer Science Modules
Presenter: Master Teacher Christi Davenport
Module focused workshop with round table discussions for Activities 1-3 and hands-on opportunities for the Project and Problem.
Modules covered: Animals and Algorithms, Animated Storytelling, Grids and Games, Programming Patterns, Input/Output: Computer Systems
Gateway Workshops
August 8th
Design and Modeling
Presenter: Andy Northard
The focus of this workshop will be a hands-on look at some of the more challenging/time consuming projects in the curriculum. Some of the focuses on the day will be on the skimmer (and measuring) as well as Tinkercad.
App Creators & Computer Science for Innovators and Makers
Presenter: Master Teacher Stephanie Racine
During this workshop you will spend time in both CSIM and App Creators. For CSIM we will focus on radio sending wireless signals (2.3) and sensor wiring for using multiple inputs and outputs at once. In App Creators all educators will have the time and opportunity to build 1.8 (both Moving Fast and Good Excuse.) We will also spend time discussing Lesson 2 and how we can take the best from the old and new!
VEX V5 (for AR & POE)
Presenter: Master Teacher Jonathan Scrivner
We will begin with a platform overview including all the notable features. We will then dive into a hands-on style of workshop covering programming with VEXcode, using the Smart Motor, using the Optical and Distance Sensors, and using Variables and Functions in VEXcode.
August 9th
Automation and Robotics
Presenter: Master Teacher Jonathan Scrivner
We will focus on the curriculum updates to AR, with a deep dive into Lesson 1. We will begin the workshop highlighting what’s new and why and then jump into a hands-on deep dive of lesson 1. We will end by looking ahead at some of the key components in Lessons 2 & 3.

High School Biomedical Science Workshops
August 8th
Human Body Systems
Presenter: Master Teachers Danielle Weber & Becky Howell
This workshop is going to cover many of the curriculum updates to HBS with a focus on the big picture as well as Unit 1.
August 9th
Principles of Biomedical Science
Presenters: Master Teachers Becky Howell & Danielle Weber
During this workshop we will focus on the following labs/skills: working with: A Sketchy Scene (1.1.1), The Traces We Leave Behind (1.1.3), DNA Analysis (1.1.6), Status Report (Project 1.1.7), Forensic Toxicology (1.2.3), and Gross Anatomy Exploration (1.2.5)

High School Computer Science Workshops

August 9th
Python for Computer Science Essentials & Principles
Presenter: Master Teacher Katie Cunningham
During this workshop we will focus on a few key areas in Python. We will start with block to text transitions and then have time for each attendee to complete a project implementing core concepts. This will allow for time to collaborate with others and to ask questions when working through a project in the curriculum. We will also discuss applying Python in real-world applications and how to scaffold Python concepts for all skill levels.
High School Engineering Workshops
August 8th
Introduction to Engineering
Presenter: Master Teacher Corey Duzan
During this hands-on workshop we are going to focus on Reverse Engineering and the different times it comes up in the curriculum. This will include the Coffee Maker, Solar Calculator, and Wind-up Toy. We will also spend time on the different Fusion skills required to do Reverse Engineering.
VEX V5 (for AR & POE)
Presenter: Master Teacher Jonathan Scrivner
We will begin with a platform overview including all the notable features. We will then dive into a hands-on style of workshop covering programming with VEXcode, using the Smart Motor, using the Optical and Distance Sensors, and using Variables and Functions in VEXcode.
Principles of Engineering Day
(0-3 years POE experience suggested)
Presenter: Steve Beauchamp
The focus of this workshop will be a hands-on look at the curriculum updates. Specific activities are coming soon – Steve is currently dissecting the new updates to determine which components to focus on. As you look through the updates, please reach out if there are components you’d like to see covered at the Refreshers!
August 9th
Principles of Engineering
(3+ years POE experience suggested)
Presenter: Steve Beauchamp
The focus of this workshop will be a hands-on look at the curriculum updates. Specific activities are coming soon – Steve is currently dissecting the new updates to determine which components to focus on. As you look through the updates, please reach out if there are components you’d like to see covered at the Refreshers!

DATE CHANGE: August 17th
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Presenter: Scott Banister
Location: Bellingham High School
This workshop will be at Bellingham High School allowing for hands-on time with CIM equipment. A few of the focuses of this workshop will be CNC projects and running the mill (including making parts in the laser for the “box” project,) as well as purchasing tools, vises, and raw materials.